Supplier Application

Welcome to the Community Source Solutions Inc. application page. The application will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Please ensure that your application is completed in its entirety. Should you have any questions or require any assistance please contact our support staff at 1-844-444-6400.


  1. Company Name: Please complete your full company name as you would like it to appear on all correspondence including invoices and cheques.
  2. Phone Number: Please provide the contact number for your company. Individual cell phone numbers can be included at a later date.
  3. Address: Please provide your main mailing address. Secondary address locations or service locations can be added in the “additional comments” area.
  4. Email: Please provide your main company email.
  5. Website: Please provide your company website
  6. Please ensure that all required fields are completed. Providing contact information such as emails and fax numbers are important for future contact.
  7. Please select the payment option (Cheque, Visa or PayPal) for administrative payment of $349+ HST, to complete application.

* Required Fields

Note: This address is the email address that will be receiving email notifications regarding requests for quotations and purchase orders)
Yes No

Company's Capacity

Please provide the following information regarding your capacity to complete projects

Please list experience held by the individuals that will be representing your company.

Please list experience held by the subcontractors that will be representing your company.

Please select all of the areas your company is able to service. *

WSIB Information

Insurance Information


Three (3) Client References - Please upload a reference letter OR provide the following contact information and one of our CSSI Representatives will conduct a reference check.

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3

Environmentally Friendly?

Does the company provide a line of environmentally-friendly products or services? *

Services Provided

Select the service categories that this Supplier should be listed under. *
Suppliers may be listed under more than one service category.

New Service or Service Category Required

Request new service categories be added. (One per line)


Community Source Solutions Inc. (CSSI) is committed to doing business in a legal, ethical and socially responsible manner. To maintain these standards, CSSI desires to do business with Suppliers whose practices are consistent with our principles of business conduct and those of our clients. Our Supplier Approval Program has developed a Supplier Code of Conduct, with consultation from industry leading organizations. Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth the types of standards that we, and our clients, expect from our Suppliers.

Customer Service:

CSSI Suppliers are expected to treat our clients with courtesy and respect by providing open and honest communication regarding the status of any work. Suppliers are expected to utilize the full functions of our cloud- based program and update the system in accordance with the status of all purchase orders, as assigned by CSSI and our clients to ensure seamless customer service.

Labour & Health and Safety

CSSI expects Suppliers to comply, at a minimum, with all local and applicable labour laws and employment standards such as compensating workers in compliance with all applicable wages, benefit and employment standards laws. We expect that Suppliers will only use qualified professionals.

CSSI expects that the occupational health and safety of employees is a priority. The Supplier shall take appropriate action, such as policies and procedures to prevent occupational illnesses and work-related accidents by providing a safe and healthy work environment.

COVID-19: Help Us Stop the Spread

The health and safety of our employees, customers and suppliers is our priority. Please ensure you are in compliance with all recommended protocols in order to safeguard the well-being of yourself, your staff, the clients you serve, and the families we return home to. Updates and resources can be found at Public Health Ontario by visiting

Request for Quotations/Quotations Solicited:

Solicited quotations are not billable. CSSI and our clients do not pay for quotations. As such, invoices for solicited quotations/estimates will not be accepted or processed. Suppliers that bill for quotations will be discharged from the Approved Supplier Program.

Purchase Orders are Mandatory Prior to the Commencement of Work:

Suppliers must not complete any work, on any property, without a system issued Purchase Order. Only work that is approved by a Purchase Order will be deemed payable.

Non-Solicitation of Our Clients' Employees

Suppliers are not to solicit, directly or indirectly, any employee involved in the management/operation of the communities served. Suppliers who solicit employees or make recommendations for employees to transition into other firms may be immediately removed from the Supplier Program.


As a Supplier of CSSI’s Approved Supplier Program, I recognize that my company’s conduct may impact how CSSI is seen by its clients and may therefore affect my approval status within CSSI’s Program. Accordingly, I undertake to adhere to the Supplier Code of Conduct noted above and acknowledge that failure to do so may result in my company’s immediate discharge from the Approved Supplier Program.

Print Name

Print We will accept a digital picture of your printed, signed copy of this document


I hereby acknowledge that my company will only accept work within the scope of practice that we are deemed qualified and competent to perform, in keeping with our licenses, certifications and qualifications.

I further acknowledge that I will maintain up to date insurance while accepting work from Community Source Solutions Inc. and its clients.

I thereby release and hold harmless Community Source Solutions Inc., its staff and clients, the property management firms, of any concerns or incidents stemming from my company’s misrepresentation of the qualifications or competence of our workers or lapsed insurance.

I hereby confirm I have the authority to legally bind the company.

Print Name

Print We will accept a digital picture of your printed, signed copy of this document

Please wait while we upload your documents. This could take a few minutes depending on your connection speed.